Personal Journeys with Gramma

Life adventures, inspiration and insight; shared in articles, advice, personal chats and pictures.

No One is an Island

Research tells us our grip of logic and practicality comes from parents, friends, and opinion leaders—not teachers. To make good decisions, we need to be able to sort information validity for ourselves. And so, we’re confronted by two old men, each hoping to fill the national presidency next term. Some would have us believe they’re the same. Isn’t it odd how gullible we are?

A HUMONGOUS difference between Trump as he stands and Biden as he stands lies in their choice of advisors. Trump wants to be king or a rock star, at least. Over-priced gold athletic shoes represent him. His verbal blunders and blatant disregard for the health of the nation are trivialized by those who find him charming. His personal health is his secret. He claims he doesn’t need guidance. He insists he’ll make all his decisions himself—a bleak prospect when we consider how insensitive and unresponsive he was during his tenure as president. The people on the bottom didn’t prosper, in spite of what he tells them is true. We all got sick or nearly did and the people in disasters were left to fend for themselves with paper towels. Hate crimes mushroomed because he used hate and fear to lift himself. He has become famous for cheating those who work for him.

Trump’s helpmates (several of whom are under indictment) have what Shakespeare used to call “a lean and hungry look.” They want to rule through him and are convinced they can manipulate him to their wishes. That may or may not be true, but out of the entire group, who has plans that will benefit the majority of the people of the United States? The “little people” should cringe because autocrats don’t give a rotting fig about us. Their misguided minions terrorize honest people—especially in the South. Money and power, period. They’ve said as much. Ask Putin how the hierarchy should work. He’s the model.

On the other hand, when Biden trips over intellectual challenges because of his age—and he does, he has the sense to lean on savvy advisors who’ve served the country before when it comes to important decisions. Their advice has to be more sensitive and effective than the devious would-be far right because they pay attention to their records. They base their pride on the continuation of democracy—which means a country where people are as free as modern life permits. Naturally, not all of his advisors are altruistic and not all their advice is good, but they’ve made their names serving the country. The bottom line is Biden stands on the shoulders of intelligent, responsible advisors who would never tell people to drink bleach.

Is it poison in our food and water or what that has degraded the courage of Americans to risk independence? Why are many so afraid of their own free will that they want to be herded? They can’t trust themselves to do right? Why do they cling desperately to the legs of people who haven’t earned their respect? I learned only recently of the despicable acts of bullying—terror—being used to silence liberal opposition in the American South. Terrorizing people for disagreeing? Didn’t we struggle through a civil war that was supposed to minimize that kind of thinking? What have our soldiers believed they fought for here and overseas if not democracy and safety—the individual’s right to pursue happiness?

The idea that the country can move forward into the past is nonsense, even if you pretend the past was some kind of ideal. Change happens. No one can stop it—not even a king. I vote for the leader not by how much I’m drawn to him but according to the person who has both the best record and the wisest, most ethical advisors—advisors who won’t seize power if the leader weakens. I don’t want to play Russian Roulette with my rights or the future I leave for my grandchildren. The Far Right is scariest. We need to depend on our community to support us.

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